Thursday, 24 March 2016

3 score & 10

As many of you know, we feel that God would have us travel to different communities sharing God's Word, recording and distributing recorded Bible stories.

We have not been able to travel yet as we do not have the prayer and financial support we need to go.

After talking to several people, we have come up with a campaign. We are looking for 3 score & 10 (70) people to commit to support us.

There are a couple of ways this could be done. We are looking for 3 score & 10 (70) people who are willing to pray for us on a regular, if not daily basis. If 70 people commit to praying just 2 minutes a day for the work of GRN, our role in that, and the people we will be working with, then 140 minutes of prayer daily would be offered up.

The other area of the 3 score & 10 campaign if for 70 people commit $70 per month. This would cover our travel and living costs with the existing support we have already.

We will have icons on the blog and in our newsletters showing where the prayer and financial support is up to.  Each time we get and additional 20%, we will colour in another icon.

coloured finance icon representing goal reached
finance icon representing goal not accomplished

prayer icon representing goal not accomplished

coloured prayer icon representing goal reached

Wednesday, 16 March 2016


Not really GRN news, but still very exciting to those involved in our family.
We welcomed 2 grandchildren into the world in Feb.

One on the 18th and the other on Glenys' birthday, the 22nd

Our second son Daniel and his wife, Shayna had a little girl on the 18th.
Shayna-pregnancy photo

Daniel and Xander

Xander and Tuiela

Our youngest son, Benjamin and his wife Jessica had a little boy on the 22 feb
Maximus Herbert.

Benjamin and Maximus

Benjamin, Maximus, Jess
Maximus Herbert


April and May will see us TRANTING to churches in NSW and VIC.

We start in Hamilton Vic then off to Gippsland.  As this will mainly be during the school holiday break, we will be bringing Nelita, her brother Trevon and our grandson Xander. Talk about madness!.

Our daughter-in-law is struggling with her new baby after having a c-section and some complications. We are taking the grandson so she can rest, and the grandson, Xander feel like he is a big person going on a big trip.

Trevon is 12, Nelita is 11 and Xander is 4.

Xander (Panda) and Tuiela(tutu)

Trevon and Nelita
Their faces show how happy they were in getting their photo done for this blog. They were not really mad, but not overly excited!

GRN Camp

The weekend of the 11,12,13 March saw us attending our first annual GRN camp at the Winmalee Christian Conference Centre. 

The talks were based on prayer. We read, talked and did prayer for the week end. It was a good time to discuss and meditate on different aspects of prayer.

It was interesting that while a lot of answered prayer was discussed, it was also brought up about how to deal with prayer that does not go according to our preconceived ideas of what God is doing or about to do in our lives.

The pictures are here are from the WCCC web page, as I did not think to take some to put on the blog. Sorry!