Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Deputation Trip

Well, its time. Tomorrow we will leave warm Newcastle and embark on the unknown weather of Victoria for 2 months.

Van in front driveway ready for traveling
We will be visiting 34 churches, bible study groups, and small groups while down there. That is an average a 1 meeting every 2 days!

Nelita and her brother Trevon are coming down with us. They will be schooled while we are away.

A couple of days ago Nelita and Glenys came down with very severe colds. Please pray they will be well before they start meetings. They don't want to be spreading NSW germs all over Vic.

Our first meeting is with Mildura Pressy. We plan to take 2 days to get there and arrive by Saturday.  We are praying that Dennis does not get sick, as Glenys can tow the van, but does not like driving through towns yet.

mud map of our travels
We are trusting God for a safe trip, and a chance to share about the work of GRN to those we meet.
See you all soon!