Dennis has worked hard on getting the van and car ready. He spend weeks building and perfecting a drop down fridge slide for the back of the car.
Praise God for the internet and You Tube and sons to help! Dennis & Nathan built the slide for the fridge. Dennis built a frame to bolt it to and some drawers to sit beside it.
While it was a lot of work, it was so much cheaper than buying a commercial drawer already built. It costs around $800 just for the drawer slide alone. We paid $200 for the slides and built the frame for about $100. The drawers are flower boxes we bought on Grumtree for $1.50 each. Not beautiful but certainly functional.
As food is so expensive the further north you travel, we found a way to cut costs. A co-worker from GRN, Helen Sadler, took Glenys to the Flemington Markets in Sydney. Together they braved the crowds and bought huge amounts of vegetables. These were taken home and dehydrated. This will help with the food bill while away.
Helen also went the extra mile and came to our home a few days later and helped with preparing the vegies and also getting the garden ready for 9 weeks of neglect!
Helen's job at GRN is data entry for all the international centres of GRN. She maintains the data base and keeps everything up to date.
While she was with us, she sorted out all the data we needed to take up with us. This and a few other jobs she did while staying with us saved us a couple of days work, especially as she knows what she is doing; when we try these things, it take us much longer. By the way, all the mess on Dennis' desk is colouring in pages and pencil packs. Helen was printing them out and packing them while doing the data entry. So much work, so little time.
Thanks Helen.
Just on a lighter side, we went camping for a few days in the last school holidays. Our daughter in law, Shayna and her children came with us.
Xander was having fun with a campfire, but the smoke was getting to him. He came up with this idea!
Dont forget to look at the prayer and praise section for current prayer points.