Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Dennis is running away!

Recordist Training 

Dennis will be going to GRN for more training. The more training and practice  he gets, the less mistakes are made on the field. This means a better product is made in a shorter time.

He will take the van to the office and live in it for the next 3 months. This means he will commute back to Newcastle for the week ends.

Please keep him in your prayers as he seeks to learn more.  Also for the men who will be teaching. It is an important job, so it must be done well.

Glenys would also value your prayers as she runs the family back in Newcastle.

Editing recordings for 5fish app

Van next to the GRN Office

Home Alone!

Simon Johnson will be one of the men teaching Dennis some recording techniques. He produced this video sharing about the work in Western Australia 

This is exciting to see what is happening in remote parts of Australia.


Cheryl Kidd
We have known Cheryl for many years. She was saved early on in our time at Borroloola. Her walk with the Lord has been up and down over the years. God is changing her and she continues to grow and trust God as she matures in him.

A few years ago she came down to Newcastle with us and we spent several months teaching her the scriptures and helping her with her growth. She went back to Borroloola, and has been sharing the gospel with others

Cheryl has been unwell and was sent to Darwin hospital for treatment. When patients need a repeat visit, they stay in a hostel near the hospital until they are given the all clear.  People from all over the Territory stay in the hostels

This is where Cheryl has been the last few days.  And this is where the story gets exciting!

While Cheryl has been staying in the hostel, she has been sharing the 5fish app with other patients. Several times a day, she would ring  us and ask something about the 5fish  app. A number of ladies from Elcho Island were shown the fish. They were excited, brought others to Cheryl to help with the 5fish app, who then brought others.

Finally, people were struggling with credit, so we sent them to the local shopping centre and McDonalds to use the free wifi there.

Cheryl is so excited about sharing the Bible stories with others. It is a great way to evangelize with other people.

The people Cheryl shared the 5fish app with were saying that they were going to share it with family back home. Could people come and record more stories for their families to listen to.

Please pray for the people who are listening to the 5fish app. Pray that God's word will speak to them and those around them.

Also thank God for Cheryl and her willingness to share God's story to others around her, people she never met before.