It has been great having the kids with us, as they are a great source of help.
We do church at home with the kids on a Sunday night. Often we get grumbles...'Why do we need church tonight, we went this morning!' see, they are normal kids!
We find out what works, and what doesn't in teaching methods and terminology. It gives us understanding of how they are thinking and what issues are being faces by their people.
Glenys has been experimenting with putting the visuals on the videos in a slightly different format. It has proven quite difficult as the videos have to be made in small clips and them put together in one larger video and then have the audio put onto it.
Each process is a learning curve, so not moving as quickly as we hoped it would be.
We tried to put a video clip on here to show you, but it did not work. Apparently, I can easily upload a You Tube video, but not one off my computer. This means you will have to wait until I put them on You Tube before I can show you.
We can put up some pics of the images Glenys has been working on to put in the videos.
we have been using images from Sweet Publishing
These images are great. They tell the story in pictures.
Sweet Publishing have their images on the net, and are available for any one to use. They are specifically designed for people to tell a story and add a narrative in their own language, then post it on the net for other people to hear the story in their own language.
One problem we have with the images, and we have spoken to the organisations about this is the colour of the people. The bible stories took place in the Middle East. The people there are not white!
Glenys has spent many hours recolouring the images to make them more correct and acceptable to other ethnic groups.

You can see the difference between the two images.
The other problem we are struggling with is telling about God and the Bible when there are no images in this group that cover this.
Glenys has been working to use the same style in the given images to develop images to use in the videos.
An example is 'God'. Sweet publishing use images like this to show God talking to people.
The light shining is one way we can show God talking to people. To keep this uniformity, we decided to become best friends with photoshop and cut and paste images to carry this idea through the videos.
The image of Moses at Mt Sinai, is the original from the Sweet Publishing material.
This is the new image doctored from the above image and one of God with the Hebrew below.
The Hebrew had to be taken out and a new circle of yellow was inserted. This became the new image for God, that would be added to as the need arose.
When talking about different Bible covers, we used the 'God' image in the background with the various bibles on the front. This was to show that God is 'behind' the bibles, but men made different covers with the same story inside the Bible.
This also is used for explaining how the Bible came about. We tell how God told men what to write. The usage of God behind again shows that God is there in the whole process.
Images cut and pasted to make new image telling a different part of the story.Hopefully this shows what we are doing, and why it is taking so long. There are several thousand images that need to be coloured. Images that need to be remade to help visually tell the story better.
We are tuning the images into a 'whiteboard' format. This is what I cant get to show you on this site. If you look at:
you will see a bit of what we are trying to do.
The next process is to drop the video clips into a video editor to join all the clips to make a complete story and then put in the audio.
It is a long convoluted process without the writing of the scripts and having the scripts tested to ensure accuracy, and then have indigenous people read/listen to the scripts to re-edit so they can understand and record the story.
Please pray that God will keep us learning how to do this well, and that people may soon learn more about God and his working in their lives.