Thursday, 27 October 2016

Our Trip in Victoria

Tranting around Victoria

After 2 months on the road and 10, 327 kms, we are finally home. We arrived home on Monday 24th October.  It was great to be back in the warm weather, sorry Vic, but it was cold  and wet!

We drove through Dubbo, Forbes and Hay to get to Mildura. It started raining in Dubbo, and we followed the rain for the next 7 weeks!
This was an omen for the rest of the trip!

Never mind! These come with rain .
It was our aim to visit as many country Victoria churches as possible. So many people have faithfully prayed and supported us over the 20 years, and we wanted to catch up with as many as possible during our time there.
Old Methodist Church-Rainbow. (Glenys' family church back in the dark ages!)

Often we struggled with time. People we would dearly loved to spend more time with, we only saw for a couple of hours, or maybe just a few minutes at church or meeting.  This was disappointing, but we will be in glory forever, so we can really catch up then.

Going to different churches is so encouraging. So many people have ministries in  different areas. While we are serving in remote parts of Australia, so many people are serving God and evangelizing in their own communities. We did enjoy hearing what people were doing, and how they and their churches were still working on the Great Commission.

It was great to share about the 5fish app. As GRN has not been much in the public eye for a number of years, people had not heard what GRN was doing.

More country areas are having people come in from different countries now, so it is great that GRN can be used to help share the gospel with them. Please pray that God will soften the hearts of people to listen to God's message, that people will be willing to share the story with them and that the 5 fish app may be a useful tool for people to use.

This trip was mainly in Presbyterian churches. While we did get the opportunity to share in some other denominations, there are so many churches out there that could be using the 5 fish app but don't know about it.

Some churches have a ministry in some of the Universities. We were able to show them the 5fish app. This was another tool they could use for the students who have come to Australia to study.

Many farming communities also have workers coming in to work on the farms. This is another area of ministry that people are working in that was not there a few years ago.

Country people have lived up to the reputation of putting on a 'good spread'. Our kids had to go to the meetings with us, and it was often boring as they heard the same story over and over. Trevon would ask if we were having 'a feed' at the meeting. If the answer was 'yes', then he would patiently put up with the meeting as a reward was offered after. He was always happiest if there was something with chocolate flavour on the table. Chocolate redeems all elements of boring meetings!

Katie Broad & Trevon
We are also very grateful to the many people who went out of their way to engage with the kids, make them feel comfortable and important in the whole scheme of our work.

They loved it so much when people took an interest and spent time with them, or included them in their lives.We don't have photos of every one who helped make their time on the road enjoyable but we still appreciate those who put time into the lives of the kids while we were away.
Geoff Broad & Kids Rochester
Dave & Trevon prospecting for gold
John & us at Strathbogies

Shirley & alpacas

Every time the kids had an enjoyable time at a church, or with a group of people, Trevon would ask if we could move to that area/church and stay there because he had such a great time.

We would love to hear from you and what you are up to. Shoot us an email occasionally so we can share in your lives too.

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