As many of you would know, we are no longer with APWM. This is a decision made by the committees looking at how and where we work.
As we are not working with GRN, we need to be under a mission to be under APWM's umbrella. We did put in a proposal to APWM last year, and we were told early this year that it was not accepted.
We need to be working under an accepted mission organization to continue as missionaries with APWM.
While we understand this is a policy that has been long standing and is necessary to ensure workers are not 'loose cannons' and working to a standard, it has been hard for us to know where to go from here.
As we have a number of children in our care at the moment, we are unable to go on deputation with another mission organization. Dennis' part time work also hinders this.
We have to make some huge decisions for our future. We cannot live on Dennis' wages alone.
Our first thought was for Glenys to give up her work and get a full time job to help supplement the income.
If we did this, then there would be no one to help with the teaching that we do with remote Christians and the work we do with the teaching materials would stop.
Please pray with us and our future. We feel strongly that we need to continue developing bible studies suitable for remote Christians who mainly learn orally, but do not know if we can manage on a part time wage alone.
While the children we have with us make joining another mission hard, we still see them as a mission field and are privileged to see them gaining an understanding of God and their relationship with him.
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